Thursday, December 2, 2021

 BLOG - END OF YEAR PART 2 -- 2021

Let's begin Part 2 by reminding you to please read Part 1 of this blog & also to keep checking all our

social media posts & blogs through out the off season at Papa Robbs. Not only will we be keeping

you up to date on our plans for next year, but also on our winter mobile sales operations.

That all said  , another big Thank You for your help, ideas & support for this year. We continue - like

most small businesses  - to dig our way out of this ongoing Covid situation & we appreciate your

help more than ever.

This seems to be the perfect time to explain exactly what Papa Robb's Paradise Ice is all about: our

business philosophy so to speak. Our MISSION STATEMENT is: To serve quality products in a

safe, all inclusive, family-friendly atmosphere.  The key words here are: Safe, Inclusive, Family.

We are much more than just an ice cream, frozen treat store. We believe in being a part of our

community; Cabarrus & surrounding counties. children & families are the basis of our business.

Their - your - safety is our priority. Inclusive is really very simple also. All are welcome here as long

as you are polite, obey our rules & respect each other.

It has been a real deep pleasure to watch all of you come together at Papa Robbs. We are all very

proud of that family feeling. We have a rather sizable involvement with schools, churches, pre-

schools, daycares, etc. We are very proud of that, not because of what we do, but because of what

we have learned.

So thank you once again. We have some changes coming next year - hopefully a couple of big

changes - some new events, products & a return of some things from our history. Stay tuned this

winter for all the news.

Please be safe & enjoy the coming Holiday Season.